Interface QueueMovementConfig

interface QueueMovementConfig {
    ignoreInvalidPositions?: boolean;
    pathBlockedStrategy?: QueuedPathBlockedStrategy;
    pathBlockedWaitTimeoutMs?: number;
    skipInvalidPositions?: boolean;


ignoreInvalidPositions?: boolean

If true, it will not enqueue a tile position that is invalid, meaning not adjacent to the last position in the queue. It does not ignore blocked positions or positions that do not have a valid layer transition. The reason for this is that blocked positions or missing layer transitions might not be missing/blocked anymore when the character actually tries to move.



pathBlockedStrategy?: QueuedPathBlockedStrategy

Determines what happens if the next position on the enqueued path is blocked. For the different strategies see QueuedPathBlockedStrategy.


pathBlockedWaitTimeoutMs?: number

Only relevant if QueueMovementConfig.pathBlockedStrategy is set to QueuedPathBlockedStrategy.WAIT.

It sets the number of milliseconds that Grid Engine will wait for the path to become unblocked again before stopping the movement.

If not set, Grid Engine will wait forever (equals a value of -1).



skipInvalidPositions?: boolean

If true, it will not stop when an invalid (not blocked) movement is to be executed. Instead it will simply drop that movement and try the next one. Please note that in contrast to QueueMovementConfig.ignoreInvalidPositions this also includes movements that cannot be performed due to missing transitions.

To control what happens with blocked positions, use QueueMovementConfig.pathBlockedStrategy

