Interface MoveToInfo

Automatic movement information.

interface MoveToInfo {
    config: {
        algorithm: ShortestPathAlgorithmType;
        distance: number;
        ignoreBlockedTarget: boolean;
        noPathFoundMaxRetries: number;
        noPathFoundRetryBackoffMs: number;
        noPathFoundStrategy: NoPathFoundStrategy;
        pathBlockedStrategy: PathBlockedStrategy;
        targetPos: LayerPosition;
    state: { pathAhead: LayerPosition[] };
    type: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)



config: {
    algorithm: ShortestPathAlgorithmType;
    distance: number;
    ignoreBlockedTarget: boolean;
    noPathFoundMaxRetries: number;
    noPathFoundRetryBackoffMs: number;
    noPathFoundStrategy: NoPathFoundStrategy;
    pathBlockedStrategy: PathBlockedStrategy;
    targetPos: LayerPosition;

Configuration of movement. This is custom for every automatic movement type

state: { pathAhead: LayerPosition[] }

Current state of movement. This is custom for every automatic movement type

type: string

Type of movement